About FLAG

Who lawyers are – and what they do – matters. We believe impact occurs when your personal, professional, and spiritual lives are in balance, integrating faith with life and work.

Global Advisors

Meet professionals from around the world who help carry the vision of FLAG

How to Know God

Would you like to know God personally? What does it take to begin a relationship with God?

Agente de bienes raíces que muestra contenido en línea en una computadora portátil a una familia india rural




Lead With Impact


The essence of FLAG is TRANSFORMATION. When lawyers choose to live a life of impact by integrating their personal, professional, and spiritual lives — they are transformed.

They then start to impact their closest relationships and those they have direct influence over such as their family, friends, employees, colleagues, and clients.

These lawyers see the results and get excited. Their focus shifts to impacting their community and city transformation start to occur.

As more lawyers, cities, and countries are impacted, the world starts to transform. A true redemption occurs, which is God's heart to see the world come to know him again and live abundantly.  


Professional Influence


As a legal professional, you have a God-given platform and relationships that enable you to reach others — your clients, colleagues, and people in your community. When you lead others with integrity, your knowledge and experience have influence, not only in matters relating to the law but also in character.


Spiritual Leadership

Our goal is to give everyone an opportunity to know someone who truly follows Jesus. 

You can learn how to tell your story and share your faith with others. Only a relationship with Christ can truly change lives.  

We are also committed to the maturity of the people God has entrusted to us. This challenges us to develop multiplying leaders who care for people. We focus our efforts on discipleship — both in ourselves and in others — pursuing character change rather than simply completing a training program.  

Personal Relationships

This is personal. How do we set a pace that allows our family to benefit from the best of ourselves? The families we might serve in our law practices? Families make a basic unit of society, and when the foundation of the family is not strong, our communities and nations will suffer.

FLAG wants to help families of professionals in the law to strengthen their own homes and learn to share with their clients and others in their circle of influence. 



Middle Eastern City


"I have learned that, as a lawyer, I have a big influence in my community. I’ve been encouraged to make a change in my community for the glory of Christ."


- Lawyer in the Middle East



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